Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Old George Bush and his democratic USA

We should now all be aware of the fact why George Bush kept quiet about China's human right's record at The Olympics - because he's borrowing millions of dollars from The Chinese to subsidise the Iraq War as basically The USA hasnt got the money to keep it going - So yes thats right hes borrowing money from a Communuist dictatorship to help Iraq become "a Democracy"

We also know that Mr Bush is best friends with his oil suppliers who in general operate Sharia Law in their countries as a form of controlling the population (also surely a form of dictatorship?)

And finally South Ossetia has already been recognised by Russia as an independent state from Georgia for several years already so why all of a sudden is now trying to make it look as though this had never happened before and that its already Russia's fault?

Hey but what can i say about democracy? - I live in a country where our current Prime Minister took over from Tony Blair without any vote and where Gordon Brown seems to bringing home the troops, from Iraq, just in time for his First General Election?

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