Monday, November 03, 2008

How much the UK Govt makes every year from the petrol pumps

There are 159 litres in a barrel of oil

Going on a price of $60 per barrel.....

a litre therefore costs 0.37$ per litre (1.6$/£)......

Therefore 23 p per litre goes to the Supplier when Petrol is £1 per litre....

7 p per litre goes to the Petrol Stations / oil refineries......

The Government charges (per litre):

53p TAX = 70 p TAX
17p VAT

The USA consumes 21 million barrels a day and has a population of 301 million people. Therefore if the Uk population consumes roughly the same proportion a day then that equates to 4 million barrels a day

So Govt tax = 4million x 159 litres x 0.7 x 365(days)= £163 billion tax a year

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