Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Black Ops - definition

A black operation, or black op, is the generally accepted worldwide military parlance for types of covert operations typically involving activities that are either secret or of questionable ethics and legality. The term itself is often used in political, military, intelligence and business circles. Agents or persons who specialise or are involved in a black operation are typically referred to as a "Black operator" or "black operative."

Black Ops missions often fall into the deniability category, where no government will claim responsibility for the action, or where responsibility is shifted to another actor in the case of a "false flag" operation. This type of operation is normally used by various secret services to achieve some goals while trying to operate secretly (so the connection between "black operations" and secret agents or even the country of their origin cannot be found). The methods used in black operations are also used in unconventional warfare and includes actions like assassinations, espionage, sabotages, and supporting of resistance movements.


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

wow thanks, whoever copy+pasted this from wikipedia -.-...douche

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous

often the information on wikipedia is sourced from other sites, most commonly more than one and is usually the information that has seen the most hits on the net.... douche, learn how to use the internet

Anonymous said...
